Take one empty room, add a pair of magicians, and what do you get?
A room stuffed full of magic props, costumes, books, and all kinds of weird and wonderful things!
We’ve been working on our magic space since we moved in, and we’ve finally managed to get it in some kind of order. As you can see from these photos, we had an awful lot of things that we had to fit in the room before we could even start to think about putting them tidy.
This is what the room looks like now, still absolutely full of props, tricks and costumes, but a lot tidier than it was before! We’ve still got a long way to go before everything is completely organised, but it’s a good start.
No magician’s room could possibly be complete without a library, and this is our little selection of books. It’s also nice to finally have a space to display our trophies.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Jay now has a dedicated space to practise his close up magic in.
Bernie is also happy with his nice new room, as he’s got a great view from where he sits in his top hat in the corner!